HRC and the HRC Foundation are two separate but affiliated organizations. Because of HRC’s grassroots lobbying and political work, gifts to HRC are not tax-deductible. Gifts to the HRC Foundation are fully tax-deductible based on the Foundation’s entirely non-political, educational, and outreach mission.
When you’re deciding how to leave a legacy for equality, the tax consequences of a particular gift may be a consideration. If the tax consequences of your gift are not a consideration for you, a gift to HRC will give us the greatest flexibility in putting your gift to work on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community. Either way, your gift will be invested in the shared mission of a future of equal rights for all people.
To leave your gift to the Human Rights Campaign (non-tax-deductible), use the following language:
“I give and bequeath _______ (dollar amount, percentage of residuary estate, etc.) to the Human Rights Campaign (Federal Tax I.D. 52-1243457), located at 1640 Rhode Island Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3278.”
To leave your gift to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (tax-deductible), use the following language:
“I give and bequeath _______ (dollar amount, percentage of residuary estate, etc.) to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (Federal Tax I.D. 52-1481896), located at 1640 Rhode Island Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3278.”
*If you are interested in supporting a specific project or program, it is best to discuss your plans with our planned giving professionals before completing your bequest language to confirm your wishes can be met by HRC.
Please note: The policies of HRC do not allow HRC or its representatives to serve as personal representative, executor, trustee or witness for a will or trust.
Useful Legal Information
Address: 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3212
Federal Tax ID number: 52-1243457
Phone Number (for assistance): 866-772-9499
Your Giving Toolkit
Need assistance? I'm here to help!
R. Sylvester Owens
Director of Estate Planning
Human Rights Campaign
Phone: 202-572-8918
1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-3212